Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) is committed to advancing the hiring, retention and promotion of diverse lawyers in law departments and law firms by providing research, best practices, professional development and training; and through pipeline initiatives.

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Donate to MCCA

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MCCA Memberships

The Minority Corporate Counsel Association (MCCA) is the premier source of learning, knowledge and future-oriented research on diversity, equity and inclusion for the legal profession. We provide resources, education, ideas and networking to enhance the power and performance of the legal community. Since 1997, MCCA members have been committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Law Firm Membership

Is your law firm committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession? MCCA has a place for you. Join MCCA as a member and help your firm be better prepared to meet the expectations of top clients that demand diversity and results.


Is your in-house legal team committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the legal profession? MCCA has a place for you. Join other in-house legal departments and their general counsel who advocate for the expanded hiring, retention and promotion of minority attorneys.

MCCA Opportunities


Established in 2004, the LMJ Scholarship program advances the diversity pipeline to the legal profession.


Strategically engage and enhance networking opportunities while supporting MCCA’s mission.

 Strategic Members 2020

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